Examination of Conscience

A tool to help as you prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  


1. I have been angry at all my troubles and I let myself be very sarcastic to people I work with and live with...

2. I am so concerned with getting material things and keeping up my status in the eyes of those I associate with that I have too little time for noticing the needs of others.

3. I take delight in and I take pleasure in learning of and broadcasting the faults of those whose ideas I do not like...

4. I cause great inconvenience to others by a sloppy and unplanned way to doing things, making them wait, spoiling their plans, ignoring their needs.

5. I realize I am taking a roundabout revenge on others by my remarks about them, even in joking...

6. I let my depression and my temper, and my moods affect others by giving into my feelings and...

7. I am causing trouble in my group by trying to dominate, by making all the decisions, by not listening to anyone, thinking I am always right...

8. I refuse to take responsibility for my mistakes; I always find someone to blame other than myself.

9. I allow a spirit of bitterness, complaining, self-pity to posses me and thus I don't do any good...

10. I am very stubborn and domineering.  If I am blocked by anyone for any reason, I immediately lose my temper and retaliate.

11. I continually make myself the hero and center of every conversation.

12. I am present at Mass physically, but my participation is half-hearted and spiritless.

13. I almost never pray...

14. I cause unnecessary pain to those in authority by being closed, secretive, and underhanded.

15. I show little forgiveness or compassion toward others when they have need for sympathy.

16. I show little consideration for others by being late for meals, prayers, meetings, etc.

17. I demand perfection from everyone and tolerate weakness from nobody.